
New commission takes flight

BSpecialist shell artist Blott Kerr Wilson departs tomorrow for Thailand to commence a commission arranged by Guilded. The work will be carried out in a private pool house over the course of a month – the early stage preparing the area and sorting shells, followed by creating the installation day by day in situ. The family were keen to experience her work evolving in person and can enjoy the process of the commission’s creation.

The 12 square metre wall area will be mounted with a single species of shell, placed in such a way as to create a dynamic sense of movement. The abalone shells, which are indigenous to the Far East and are used for mother of pearl inlay, have an irridescent interior surface. Each shell will be placed to capture the light at a different angle, the ultimate effect being that the shells have been washed by a wave (see similar concept illustrated above).  The piece will come alive in the natural light of day and take on a new, specacular character under artificial light at night.

Guilded responded to an initial expression of interest in the artist’s work and the client’s wish to understand the possibilities for an interior treatment. The resulting commission has been enabled and formulated by Guilded with all aspects, including the shipment of materials to site from other countries supported, along with smoothing the way to ensure accommodation and transfers are in place as well as advising on the correct form of address for the various members of the family of  this distinguished client.

We shall enjoy publishing a few images as the commission progresses over the weeks to come and to seeing the finished work in person at the end of the project.